Psalms for now

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The infant yanked my ear,
Bubbling with laughter,
Had never known a tear.

Was he felled churches,
Sang the grave,
From gold plated nave.

And the hand,
Twirled the stars,
And the trees,
Grabs his feet,
A pleasure to meet.

Joy he can't contain,
In all that suddenly arrives,
Delighting in surprise.

And so creation,
Bursts into being,
From the never subdued laughter,
Of an infant made.

The storm swept in,
> A cavalry charge
> An age of gallantry,
> Hooves sparking,
> Thunder claps of liberty.

> The rain snapped banners in the night,
> None could speak,
> Our formal tongue of fright.

> Singing love,
> The cow bell in the scupper,
> Of the shepherd,
> And the maid,
> In the fragrant glade,
> Sun and moon,
> To milk and honey made.

> The skiff, the keel of the spine,
> Again old man it is your time.
> The skiff is rising on the flood,
> Filling sails with stallion manes.

> Able bodied seaman,
> Oh tiller man,
> The storm carries you,
> To the promised land.

> Oh, the infants were conceived,
> With the cavalry,
> And with their steeds.
> Man and maid,
> Forever free.

I have engaged my rhymes,
For the voyage,
When it's time.

I shall glide,
On the moon's vale.
My toes will rake,
Jeweled rooster tales,
In my wake.

Careful to have stranded grief,
In dogerral,
Perhaps chained to thief.

Lovers hand in hand,
At the edge of the of the land,
To see the moon,
The while they spoon,
May wonder did they hear,
As merrily I go

Striding Liberty,
Half dollar piece,
How wide spaced,
The blue eyes,
They lid,
For the voyage,
Grave to wave.

Oh goddess,
So sheerly gowned,
From your silver face,
The moon I found.
But once requited,
Relenquished my coins.

For those who count and gather,
Last clothe love in tatters.


With tokens,
I'll cast the Tao,
That placed her in the bow.

Sun on water,
Radiance passing.
Heart rejoice,
In glancing.

The ferry still gliding,
Seagulls sage,
Yet plying,
Of spirits flying.

I will alight,
On the shore,
Where love,
Each form delights.
And sings return,
Through the night

                       TO WILL
I built a temple,
Without plan.
I built a temple,
Without a hand.

I built  it with a song,
Though I only sang along,
To a melody,
Waiting there,
Tickling my ear,
In thin air.

And the house,
That it would have,
For all the sky,
Within it abide,
Was my heart,
All along,
For it was born,
Of a song.

Because others knew them always,
Singing their course,
Through astral astral flyways.

Toward them fly,
Offerings to the stars,
As unseen,
Each star dies

> Only the brave,
> Will die in exile,
> Besieged by monsters,
> More beautiful with each mile.

> Oh, the chorus they hear,
> The silence they gain,
> The loss so vivid,
> And so naked  the pain.

> All was astronomy,
> In their hands,
> Flopping and snapping,
> Whole constellations,
> They did land,
> Singing of kingdoms,
> Forcing favors,
> From the sun.

> From silence to silence,
> Their span,
> Creating endless universe,
> In their hands

Will the black flutist,
Come to me?
Will the mermaids from the sea,
And a doe-eyed gypsy?

Will the red man take my child,
And bowman on the stallion sit,
Sun and eagle in his chest,
Continent and heavens,
East and West?

And daughter wed to,
All the world's nest,
Seas and peaks,
And valley glens,
Wind and tide,
All that perishes and abides?

Will my art,
Speak my part,
Love's labor,

The time retrieved,
When I was hers,
And she was mine,
Hearts now recalled,
Only in rhyme?

From loin through spine,
The lion's prayer,
Through all beasts climbs.

Oh, that I be Caliban.
When will I again,
Lay with the lamb?

Born on Christmas Eve,
When the stars,
Ravaged Rome,
And boiled the seas,
With song too sweet,
For love to bear.

Clawed from scalp,
To loin,
By the silent leopard,
Slinking rhythmic,
Beneath their song.

I woke to disease,
That he might wash.

Joyous with the message,
Coddled in my bubbling pelt.

I sang in the river,
Stones raining about me,
Shimmering in,
Mary's labor,
Fruit of her womb.

Blessed discard,
Watercress fed me,
And into the trees,
I clawed.

The night he was crucified,
I settled to earth,
And maw uplifted,
Drank the songs,
Raining from heaven.

In olden times,
We forged a gong,

Born shimmering,
Light and song.

Earth and moon,
Spinning starry hosts.

And errant psalms,
In angelic throngs.


Birth Of A Cello

In my arms I would enfold,
Her heart to mine.

My heart may only mourn,
This love I know reborn,
Its certainty to die,
And guide the stars,
By wordless elegies,
To each final embrace.


In the shade of a cafe,
I am sipping latte.

Across the sand sward to sizzling foam,
Children's voices I see,
Painting the colors of ecstasy.

In prancing stride,
They are Baptized,
In the mortal tide.

There I fed stomach, heart and lung,
On the basso profundo,
And tenor's reach,
Of comers curling on the beach.

Bucket and shovel in hand,
I built temples on tidal plain.
Walls crumbled in mica shells,
And within,
I breathed wave song's carnal smell.

In vast deserts,
And savanna plains,
The silence of the abyssal,
Timeless through loin and spine.


Lifted from the sea,
Until that night I lay,
Starfish with long rays.

Level eyed they looked,
Deep into the others longing,
Pressing their desire.

The sun and moon,
In wedding songs.
Stars raining,
From the constellations.

Breathing life into creation.


Where no ranting seethed,
The whores waxed fat,
On first prayers sung,
As first they were,
By all that breathe.
No coin  to hand,
Paid on visions,
Starvation feeds,
By glances included,
Enchanted avatar.

The dead found racing or in full stroke,
Had taken the salt of fallen stars,
For downy bed.

And dreamed were womb coddled,
By astral beams

They round him gathered,
His sea-side foggy fish eyes.

Breathing smoke,
Hearth they spoke,
And rhyming in a thousand tongues,
Untangled song,
From the dung.

And set the words dancing
The hooey-blueey lung.

Venus and muses,
Appearing to them as was there,
Glowing and fragrant,
The blooming stars made,
As blooming from them fades.


                                         TO WILL

Thanks for the garden,
The woods and glens,
I've joined you ceaselessly,
In Eden.

Wily poacher,
Forbidden fruit,
Sweet on the tongue,
Feeds our hearts.

We have shooed,
The cherubs,
Like summer flies,
And strolled the petals,
Of Eves hidden rose,
To the farmers' groves.

The teeming bones powdering the coral sands,
These brave ones who looked it in the eye,
Empty, empty.

Trampled four square,
And can't be reduced,
Cell by cell match the stars,
And worlds lost.

Sea fingers claw and coax,
My child's feet in the suds,
The palisades, the glacier,
The flat horizon and the one that climbs.

Virginia, Virginia,
Where are thee,
And where rows,
The Argosy?

Neptune answer,
For memory.

For the unnamed graves,
Fertilizer made,
The miner drowned in soot.

Answer for black shores and pearls,
Her heart to win.

Fatal tears,
Spike the gown,
And pierce the oyster.

Mother of pearl,
Spit tears to the moon,
And hold her yet,

And yield to the knife,
Beauty stays the hand,
To confess its truth and motion.

Deep, deep,
Strip mines,
Nether shores.

Rain and fog through fathoms weep,
There to feed naught but treasure.
Winnowed from dross,
Thrashed from husk,
And join them in ubiquity.

Lagoons of summer,
Color of sky.

Elaborate albs of of worship,
North and south.
The dusk plunges,
And harvesters and shrimp,
Push endless psalms,
Through the ocean's chords.

Deep and wide,
Gongs and worlds.

Chorusing imperishable souls,
Where the infant,
Asked and was answered.
The names unwritten,
In depths disgorge.

 Dreams dive luminescent,
Among the glowing serpents,
Drape the alters,
At their weddings.

All die in wonder, 
Eyed wide black,
And starry lighting.

We celebrate dirges,
Shouldering gods,
And running three legged races, With squid and octopi



I had a dream,
Real as waking,
Not a jot more.

Swimming through the mirror,
And the mucous,
Turns to tears.

In a high school auditorium,
Burly black men singing,
Bushy hair of formidable length,
Cinched in stallion plume,
Would run for the roses,
Or the Belmont Stakes.

Gentle voices singing,
"We are humble,
Loving men".

We spit orthodontics,
From our gums,
Scalded by heartburn,
And the worm that turns.

Wit beyond,
Where we might ever go,
Callow blanched,
We would remain,
Though disaster should temper,
Too late,
For us to natal know,
The throes of wisdom,
That form a soul.

We shall but plating seek,
Fame fortune,
And a dry docked skiff,
For a some day trip,
To black pearls,
In the deeps.

Pressed flower tenors,
In cravats,
And child stars,
In tap dance spats,
Await the call.

To resume the trance,
Of youth embalmed,
For dewy eyes,
To undress,
Their fetching dance.

In the parking lot I appeared,
My beater had disappeared.
The valet received,
The limo and opened the rear,
My boots a high polish,
My face in it mirrored.

The lot for celebrities,
In bleached jeans,
And P.J. Flyers,
An antique collection,
Running a fiver.

A green card for the night,
'Til fame dimmed,
To popular slight;
Into the club I was ushred.

One famous member,
Wild locks,
Sat dangling thin legs,
From the swimming pool's edge,
Like a summering kid,
From a pond's wooden dock.

He had died,
I am sure,
In lock up,
In the stir.
For killing and rape,
But he was no intruder,
Fame it seems,
Is soul's theft and murder.


Upon the greasy grass,
A rhinoceros pranced,
Knees high as a pacer.

Proud as all that live,
And face extinction,
Passenger pigeon, honey bee,
And redwood tree,
For it ends in beauty.

Here Custer made a stand,
In a foreign land,
Where dreams,
Were sacred,
Of Creation,s hand.


Along the shore,
We stood silent witnessing.

Sun and moon,
Their marriage graced,
Finally in embrace,
Settling red in the sea,
Withdrawing love,
For all tha,t be,
Bleeding gowns,
In eternity

> Three notes musings',
> I heard,
> Lifting
> Onto the evening air.
> And all that is love was there.
> Her emptied hand,
> Wandered mere infinity,
> Naught and dreere,
> Smaller,
> Than dew drop or tear.
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> No comfort or wisdom,
> Do I find in you,
> No lesson or grace,
> For a mortal race.
> Your graceful descent,
> Is not my complaint,
> But grief relieved,
> By multitude,
> And consent.

> A fallen leaf,
> Enchanted my eye.
> Spine of gold,
> Deepening red,
> As wine with time,
> And a love,
> That never grows old.
> No bush or tree,
> That I could see,
> Sent this call to me.
> As with love,
> Happenstance,
> Choreographs,
> Inevitabletie's dance.
> When I returned,
> The leaf had flown,
> Into the firmament,
> Psalms make home.


A virile giant,
In dusty tartan weave.

Fallen from chivalry.
On the primer tub,
He's planted,
Heartwood espalier.

To a spellbound,
Crowd he played.

Still steel he weilds,
The tomato,
Into petal bowers.

Damsels and squires,
All would be,
To nobel form,
Knew the unicorn.

Tatern jodpors on the links,
On park benches he sits and reeks.

In sight of towers flew his pennants,
Here he serves his sentance.

For him Eden was gated,
On its gifts his cohorts traded.

The raven plucks the corsair,
From  the air,
Splits the breast,
Scattering the rest.

Forest crackles,
Rain splatters livid spackles.

Larks and wrens,
Find no glens,
And spring song forever ends.

And only nursury rhymes remain,
To mend the rend,
That stole the song,
From lark and wren,
That built the garden,
That fencing ends,



I walked the city,
Closed no crypts,
On the poor,
Unknown or abhored.

Coin greased palms,
Corpse embalmed,
Spinning webs and mold,
In their upholstered holds.

All was bright,
That day,
I walked the quays,
Spirits free and light.

A twirl I took,
To catch a laugh,
Round me pranced,
Sure I was,
Invited to a dance.

For those in soil lain,
We wait for fell,
To carve their name.
What sad folly,
That turns out to be,
As I danced near the sea.

Oh, they took me by the hand,
The bright children of the light.

How they dance in the sky,
All that never die,
How they sing in the air,
I hear them everywhere.

Cloak me like the honey spoon,
In the prisms of the air,
Singing lyrics,
To joyous miracles,
We all share.
That turns out to be,


A cat's pupil,
Sunrise that day,
Slice of red,
Over black plain.

I see it that way,
Love loosed to play.

Ladders cobbled from splintered glints,
To scale walls,
For heart's fullfillment.

The raptor beak and claw,
The raven naught but caw,
Gathering seeds,nuts and fruit,
The irredescent magpie,
Delivering bright loot.

The owl who taught us to read the stars,
And write among them,
What our souls are:
A flight to light,
With songs to sing,
Taking wing.


Nightmares unquelled,
She raved the flood tide,
The sooth sayer tells.

Infants slain,
By the sermons,
Of the celebrated sane.

Love ever wrenching,
Once it is lost.

To chariots lashed,
We would drag memories cached.

Oh, the admired steeds,
Of vanity,
At age's degradation of their beauty,
First love-When she let her hair down,
Sailors we would be,
Hearing songs of mermaids,
From the chambers of the sea,
We captive in the rectory
And ever burnished greed.

At last she comes,
A lantern to lead,
All the soul needs,
To cross the sea,
Her form glowing in memory.

Dream navigator,
Always led this way,
Silent emigrant,
Where love holds sway.


I served six years more,
After the second world war.

Met my bride on the channel ferry,
Bought her gown in Paree,
Beauty then and beauthy ever,
She is to me.

I took my rank, My wounds and medals-
Two bullets to the head,
Many with less are dead-
And no timid left in me,
I navigated Europe,
Her wonders to see.

I loved Germany,
Her castles and churches,
Riding summits,
Through storms and summer.

The riverboat chugged,
The castle on the peak,
There my bride and I will sleep.

Through wind streaming,
Our breath for cold steaming.
The royal four poster,
Cracking and creaking,
Not a wink were we sleeoing.

Dawn in flannel garbed,
Still in embrace,
Such peace I knew,
Called me to,
The ghreat windows view.

Fields and orchards,
Ever bloom renewed,
The river a bow of light,
Embracing our love,
Through thew night.

Normandy, the Bulge,
And the infantry,
Have faded from my memory.

All that's left,
Is my bride and me,
The bow of light,
And peaceful fields.

On my stone,
Near the bright shore,
"A man rests in peace",
And no more.

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